Heller history
Reach for tradition
Elias Heller starts manufacturing files and rasps by all hand work in Newark.
Elias George Heller, oldest son of Elias Heller, together with his youngest brother Paul Elias Heller joined the business and moved to a new larger factory.
Through their combined efforts, the business began to expand and thrive with the expansion of railroad transportation.
When a huge fire totally destroys the Rex File & Saw Co.complex in Newcomerstown, OH, Heller, in need of more land and cheaper labor than Newark had to offer, buys the Rex site and set about rebuilding the file factory and hires the workers.
The Newcomerstown facility occupies 250,000 square feet and Heller is one of the top 3 brands in the world. Heller closes down it's Newark factories and moves fully to Newcomerstown.
The fourth generation of the Hellers is not interested in running the family business. Simonds acquires Heller Bros.
Heller becomes a member of the Mustad Hoofcare Group; hoof rasps are designed and crafted by Heller International, located in Rionegro Antioquia, Colombia.